City of Deception (The White City Series Book 1) Read online

Page 17

  Alexa Mackintosh

  my sight the entire time, he left me alone. Matter of fact, no one has spoken of my possible guilt since. Hardcastle said he believed a rebel poisoned it once it was passed off to the guard.

  I never want to know what happened to that guard. I realize his fate must have been the same as Sergio’s, but I try not to think about him.

  Today, I stared down at the casket where the still and cold Emperor lay, and the reality that I stole his life away startled me. My poisons have led many to death, but not delivered by my hand. I’d never faced the corpse and the family of the victim, and though I despised him, it hum- bled me. It is not hard to commit a monstrous act. No, the hardest is facing the guilt and reality of the deed.

  “It was a funeral. People cried for their lost Emperor,” I say. She helps me out of my dress as I splattered mud on the hem during the funeral processions.

  “How were the princes?” “Not well.”

  “Not sad, though.”

  I glance over my shoulder. “How do you know that? I thought you didn’t attend the funeral as you worked to- day.”

  “I don’t mean to speak ill of our late Emperor, but he treated his sons terribly from what I’ve heard. He pun- ished them for the smallest mistakes.”

  City of Deception

  She walks to my closet and searches through my dresses. “My lady, didn’t the Empress order two mourn- ing dresses for you?”

  “Yes, the spare is in the box on the top shelf.”

  She searches for several minutes before declaring, “I can’t find it.”

  “Hand me my robe. I’ll see if Zadie has anything.”

  I pull on the robe and after making sure no dignitaries are in the hall, I make my way to Zadie’s room. I find it odd Petrov is not at his post, but suppose it could have something to do with the funeral. But aren’t the Royals going to increase the security measures since the Em- peror’s passing?

  I start to knock, but remember Zadie mentioning after the funeral that she had a headache and planned to lie down until dinner.

  I press my finger to the scanner and after its little screen reads “Clearance given,” I quietly push the door inward. I’m halfway through the door with Zadie’s name on my tongue when I see something that stops me short.

  Zadie is in bed, but she is with Petrov. Even beneath the covers, I see how their bodies entwined. They are in the middle of a kiss, but they hear me immediately. Zadie pushes Petrov aside and pulls the comforter closer around her naked body.

  I back out of the door and wrench it shut behind me. I hear Zadie call out my name and a bustle of activity, but I hurry down the hall.

  Alexa Mackintosh Petrov isn’t just a guard.

  A thousand thoughts seem to flood my brain as I try to

  wash what I have seen from my mind.

  When I reach my room, I rush inside.

  “What is wrong?” Georgianna asks. “Your face is flushed.”

  “I…Could you leave me? Tell the Royals I am ill.” “Do you need a doctor?”

  “I need to be alone. I promise it is nothing to be wor- ried about.”

  She leaves after a last glance to ensure I tell the truth. I sit down on the bed and take a few deep breaths.

  What I saw…I should report it…but Zadie…She’s in love…really in love…

  My door opens unceremoniously, and Zadie enters. Her dress is unzipped and her hair a mess. Her face is bright red and covered in sweat. “I’m sorry you saw that,” she says.

  “Me too.” I’m never going to burn the image out of my brain. “How long have you…?”

  “A few weeks.” “Why?”

  “What do you mean ‘why?’ I love him. I plan to marry him someday.”

  “You will never be allowed to marry a guard. You’re a First, Zadie!”

  “Why does that surprise you? Is it that you need a talk about how lovemaking works or because you see the class

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  difference between Petrov and me?” she says, placing her hands on her hips. “I am a trophy to be sold to the highest bidding dignitary. I’d much rather elope with a man pre- sumed to be below me in status than wed a noble. If you feel you need to judge me, then go ahead, but I beg you not to tell the Mersiovskys.”

  I look away as I try to calm down. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  She doesn’t answer as she sits down beside me and fidgets with her dress.

  “Are you sure you truly love him? If you can tell me you do, I won’t judge you,” I say.

  She blushes as she glances at her hands. “Well, how many men have you seen me take my dress off for?”

  I giggle. “Point taken.”

  She nudges me in the shoulder. “So, when am I going to hear that you’ve been up to mischief? It’s time for Orion and you to get into trouble.”

  I fall back onto the bed. “It is not my right to fall in love. My husband is chosen.”

  “Oh please! I’m as good as married or engaged to a dig- nitary and yet…”

  “Yet I found you with Petrov.”

  Zadie lies down beside me, and we look up at the ceil- ing.

  “We’re going to make awful wives,” I say.

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  She laughs. “We will fill the gossip columns every week. You and Dmitri will be the scandalous couple of the year.”

  I sit up on my elbow. “You know he cares for me?

  You’ve known since the beginning, haven’t you?”

  “I’ve watched you since you arrived. I knew the two of you were meant for each other before the two of you real- ized it. Besides, Dmitri told me he liked you.”

  “He told you?”

  “I am one of his closest friends. He knew I would learn about you two eventually.”

  But if she knows, who else has learned about Dmitri and me? It is becoming the worst kept secret in the palace.


  A few hours later in the dark hours of the night, my door opens. I’ve been lying awake trying to rid my mind of images of the dead Emperor, but sleep won’t find me.

  “Who is it?” I ask, sitting up in bed. I suspect Petrov since no one knocked.

  Wordlessly, a shadowy figure makes its way to the bed. “May I join you?”

  I recognize Dmitri’s voice, but it sounds scratchy and a little high-pitched. “Yes,” I answer.

  He pulls back the covers and slides in beside me. Wrap- ping an arm around my waist, he moves close and presses his forehead to mine. He’s warm and the clothes he wears, pajamas I guess, are silken and soft.

  City of Deception

  I run a hand over his chest and up to his cheek, careful not to poke his eye or do something embarrassing in the dark. He leans into my touch, and I’m surprised to find his cheeks wet.

  He’s crying.

  And I caused his pain. The guilt of it is enough to shat- ter my heart.

  I snuggle against him and draw his lips to mine. When I pull away from the kiss, I say, “I’m sorry.”

  “I can’t believe he’s gone,” he murmurs.

  I don’t know what to say to comfort him. Instead, I kiss him again and brush away the tears. We don’t speak as he buries a hand in my hair and lets his tears fall.

  Tears fill my eyes as I watch him suffer. He came to me for comfort, but what would he think if he knew I did this?

  My tears join his. “I’m so, so sorry.”

  { 24 }

  Chapter 24

  he Next Morning:


  as the questions would be many if Dmitri were spotted leaving, despite the innocence of his visit. How am I sup- posed to be a Death’s Apothecary if I feel this much pain and guilt every time I kill? I cried almost as much as Dmitri last night, and now my puffy eyes bear the conse- quences.

  When I arrive at breakfast an hour later, a servant in- tercepts me. “Lady Alkaev, Empress Marcella requests you join her in the west dining room for breakfast and tea.
I’ll take you to her.”

  The Empress wants to see me? This cannot be good.

  The servant leads me to the dining room several doors from the main dining hall. Guards stand alert outside, and

  Alexa Mackintosh

  once the servant waves me into the room and I enter, the doors are locked behind me.

  The Empress sits in the far corner of the room in a plush, oversized chair. She’s in a simple dress and her hair tied back in a braid. Her crown is missing for the first time since I met her. Is she even wearing makeup? “Come and sit. I had one of my ladies bring in breakfast and a pot of tea.”

  Hesitantly, I take the seat across from her. I glance at the tray on the side table a few feet away. It’s full of my favorite breakfast foods.

  She pours me a cup of tea. I’ve never seen a Royal pour drinks for another. Dmitri has poured me drinks, but not anyone else. “Cream or sugar?”

  “A little cream and lots of sugar, thank you.”

  She smiles, and it lights up her face. “I take mine the same. I talked to your mother last night and asked what you preferred for breakfast. I hope you don’t mind?”

  I shake my head. “I’m surprised you took the time to find out. You seem to stay busy as Empress.”

  She sighs. “It is a demanding job, but my boys demand more than my position. I’ve heard the older children get, the easier it is to rear them. Well, it is not true with three boys all vying for the throne. Then there’s you.”

  I sip my tea before asking, “What about me?”

  She leans back in her chair, balancing her cup and sau- cer on her lap. “You are engaged to Ivan, but Orion loves

  City of Deception

  you. Kir values your friendship. All of them want to pro- tect you from each other, and it complicates issues.”

  She knows too? About Orion and me?

  “Your Majesty, I do love Orion, but I will not allow my indiscretions to change my impending marriage to Ivan.” Her eyes narrow. “Your lips move, but your eyes show lies. You are cunning, and I thought you were a threat, but I’ve realized my mistake. Sergio was poisoned, and

  that is your gift.”

  My eyes widen, but I regain myself.

  “Do not be frightened, my dear. I have a gift as well. Mine is nurturing. It gives me the ability to calm crying children and grow any plant I wish.”

  “But the law-”

  She waves her hand. “That was my husband’s decree, not mine. I revoked the law yesterday.”

  “How do you know my gift?”

  “There are cameras in your kitchen. Besides, no one could make a poison like you did unless they were a Death’s Apothecary.”

  I bow my head. “The truth, my lady, is that I’m not sure if my gift is a Death’s Apothecary or a baker. My mother expected me to have the gift and trained me in all she knew of the art. At the same time, I showed great promise in baking. I’m not sure if the baking is my way of covering poisons or the poisons my mother’s way of covering my gifts.”

  Alexa Mackintosh

  “My parents felt much the same and hid my gifts. I…I should have been born with a different gift according to my parents, but alas, nurturing has turned out to be con- venient.”

  We’re quiet while we drink our tea. I reach for a bowl of porridge from the table and start to eat. My stomach growls and the clock ticking on the wall clangs into the silence.

  “You did poison my husband?” she asks a few minutes later. “Answer honestly, for you may be surprised to find I did not care for my husband.”

  I do not answer. The truth is sure death no matter of her reassurances.

  “Your silence is answer enough. I wish to know to give you my thanks. Your deception has brought back Orion, and for that I owe you. Sergio sent him away because of your kiss, but I thought it a rash decision. What father sends their son into a dangerous situation because the boy kissed the wrong girl? It is not as if he proposed to you. With Sergio’s death, Orion will be sent to a safe house in the Isles.”

  “He’s not here to stay?” My heart rate increases.

  “Ivan refuses to let him stay until the wedding occurs. However, he wants Orion to be safe, so he will send him to the Isles after the coronation ceremony. He will be there with friends and all he could wish for.” She takes my hands in hers. “Thank you, my dear. Because of this inci- dent, you freed my sons and me. Sergio’s advisors still

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  hold power, but at least we can breathe again, even if we cannot change all we wish to.”

  She sets her tea aside. “Let me tell you a little you do not know. Orion would do anything for you, and he never was that way with Veronica. I knew the moment he spoke your name when he begged Sergio and me to bring you to the palace that he was smitten. It was the first time I saw him look your way like you were the light shining in this dark part of the world, that I knew he loved you. You gave him hope, something I had not seen since Veronica’s pass- ing. So, I ask, are you willing to give everything to be with Orion? It will never be easy, and more trials stand in your way than you know.”

  Am I willing to sacrifice everything to be with Orion? What about the revolution? The mission? My future? “I don’t know, Your Majesty.”

  She smiles again. “That is what I wanted to hear. You do not flippantly say something you know one day you may not be able to do. You did something for me once, and because of what you did, you saved my life. I wish to thank you also for that.”

  “I think you’re mistaken, Your Majesty.”

  “No, it was you, but I think you have not done it yet. You left a letter behind. You were at my side at the dark- est part of my life, and you saved my life.”

  She knows of time travel? “Your Majesty?”

  She smiles. “I must sound mad. You’ll see one day, but for now, I am twice indebted to you. For your daring acts,

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  as it was quite a risk, I will help persuade Ivan that you are not a fit fiancée for him. I do not know if he will listen, but I would like to see my sons happy, and that will not happen if you wed.”

  “Thank you.”

  She rises. “I must go, or I’ll be late to a meeting with General Hardcastle. Please stay and finish your breakfast, and know that if ever you need something, come to me. I may have seemed an enemy when you first came, but I want to help. You asked me in your letter to act like your enemy when you arrived, otherwise I would have wel- comed you into the palace as a friend. I do not trust you, but you have proved to me you have my sons’ best inter- ests at heart, and for that, I call you a friend.”

  Before she can leave, she adds, “Do not take my friend- ship as a sign of trust. I do not trust you at all, for I believe you are a dangerous creature. But, your blatant murder of my husband proves you will do what is necessary.”

  “But I killed your husband. Do you not grieve for him?” She laughs. “Oh darling, there is so much you do not know about my marriage to Sergio. I shall have to tell you


  She walks out before I can ask more.


  The following evening at dinner Ivan addresses me. “We should consider the coronation and our plans.”

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  At first, I’m not sure what he means, but Dmitri ex- plains when he sees my confusion. “The advisors and gen- erals believe the wedding move to the first of autumn.”

  Ivan glares at him, a gaze that could pierce the soul it is so full of hate. “I think it shouldn’t be moved.”

  My heart skips several beats. “That will rush prepara- tions. Surely, we should keep to the plans?”

  I glance Angelica’s direction, but she stares at her plate. Perhaps the leaders haven’t given her any instruc- tions on the wedding.

  “That will rush preparations,” the Empress says, jumping to my aid.

  “No sooner than winter. Please, Ivan,” I beg.

  He glances to Dmitri before answering. “Winter it will be

  I let out my breath.

  “Why not fall?” Zadie asks. “You could plan a gorgeous wedding in the gardens early into autumn.”


  “She has her reasons for a winter wedding, as do I. We’re already moving it back from spring. Leave her be,” Ivan says. “I can rule as Emperor without an Empress be- side me. It will give me time to adjust to the demands of ruler before we marry. Though the coronation takes place in two days, I will not let it affect my choice.”

  For once I am grateful he spoke.

  I need to speak to the leaders soon. The wedding can- not-will not- go through.

  { 25 }

  Chapter 25

  he Coronation:

  THERE IS NO JOY IN HIS EYES, only indifference when I take my place beside him. Because I will be his wife and future Empress, I must stand beside him. I think ac- cepting the crown will please him, but perhaps he is wise enough to know the cost of such power.

  The Mersiovskys sit in the front of the assembly hall. I dare to turn and offer them a smile. A part of me is de- lighted to find Dmitri staring at me. He smiles back, ig- noring the glare from his mother and the embarrassed expression of Kir.

  Angelica sits a row back, squeezed between two young gentlemen with Zadie a few seats down. Angelica waves a lacy fan in front of her face, a smile on her lips. One of the gentleman whispers something to her, and she quietly

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  giggles. They must be officials she needs information from.

  The official, in front of Ivan and I, clears his throat. I quickly turn. He scowls at me, and I gaze down at the floor the best I can wearing the massive headdress. I may be a princess for now, but the seamstresses dressed me like an Empress.