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City of Deception (The White City Series Book 1) Page 12

  “He’ll warm up to you. He must have seen something he liked in you if he chose you. He chose my daughter all the way back in our village!” she says, eyes aglow.

  Alexa Mackintosh

  I want to grab her by the shoulders and shake her. “Don’t you see? I don’t love him!” I scream.

  Liliya says, “But he’s a prince, and you’re his princess.” My mother bristles, rising to her full height and still coming up shorter than me. “Girls, go into the closet and

  look at Talia’s beautiful gowns.”

  They don’t hesitate, and within seconds I hear them “Ooh” and “Ah.” My mother turns her attention to me, her expression terrifying.

  “How dare you be such an insolent fool in the Mer- siovskys own house?” she says. “I never raised you like that.”


  She interrupts my plea by saying, “They gave you gifts, and now you will throw them away?”

  “I’m not throwing them away.”

  “Is that a bad thing? There won’t be any times you’ll have to worry about how you’ll be fed, or what you’ll do with your life, or any worries about your husband dying and leaving you to care for everything including your chil- dren. You won’t have to remarry simply because someone came along and offered and you needed money and secu- rity and-”

  She stops short her eyes glossy and wide.

  “Mama?” I ask heart beginning to race. “Did you re- marry because of me?”

  “No,” she says, rubbing her palm across her forehead as if to ease an oncoming headache. “I mean, yes. Your

  City of Deception

  stepfather is a good man, but not one I wanted to marry, and certainly not so soon after losing your father. Marry- ing him was a small price for staying off the streets.”

  “You didn’t love him?”

  She shakes her head. “I only loved your father.”

  I’ve always thought my mother dwelled in her grief and ignored me the first few years after my father’s death. I struggle to believe she gave up her happiness to save us and make sure food stayed on the table.

  “When you marry Prince Ivan you will not have to fear. You will be provided for no matter what happens,” she says.

  “I don’t love Ivan.”

  She hesitates before setting her hand on my arm. “It’s for the best, dear. You’ll see one day.”

  “I love someone else.”

  She pulls away. “What? Is it another Third?” “No, Mama. He’s a First.”

  “And he cares for you?”

  I fidget with the edge of my dress. I think Dmitri cares for me, but saying so seems precarious. Whatever Dmitri and I do have is fragile, and I worry anything can break it. Perhaps the engagement has already broken it.

  “If you aren’t sure he will marry you, you must accept Ivan. He’s the future Emperor, and turning him down will insult them. Whether this other First loves you or not, it is for your and our family’s well-being to accept Prince Ivan.”

  Alexa Mackintosh

  “I’ll never come home if I accept,” I remind her.

  She laughs. “You will be Empress. The entire country will be your home! My grandchildren can visit me anytime with a dozen guards and tutors.”

  I cringe. Turning away, I press my hand to my lips to hold back the bitter words I want to say. Grandchildren? Has she bought into this lie completely?

  “Leave,” I say.

  “But we-”

  “Leave.” A streak of pain runs through my chest, but I don’t turn around as the three file out the door.

  I thought they would help me, but clearly, I am the one everyone thinks crazy for not wanting to marry the future Emperor. Maybe I am making an unwise choice.

  I look around the room to take in the luxuries I now have and will lose refusing Ivan. But the girl looking back at me in the mirror, the one in a fancy dress with red cheeks, is the same one who fought against the winters and worried there might not be food on the table. That girl doesn’t belong here.

  She is also strong enough to fight for what she wants. What am I to do? Marry a man I don’t and won’t love,

  be crowned Empress and watch the villagers I know starve? Their children dying in the winter while mine live because of luck?

  I suppose I could attempt to change things and im- prove our society, but how? The Mersiovskys will control

  City of Deception

  the throne. I don’t think the Empress will warm up to me anymore once I become her daughter-in-law.

  The door opens five minutes later, and the Royals en- ter. Kir and Dmitri are absent.

  “That was quite the show, Lady Alkaev,” the Emperor says.

  I’m not sorry for what I did. Ivan deserved it. I look his direction and see the red mark across his cheek. I must bite my lip to hold back a pleased smile.

  “You will address the reporters immediately and clear up the mess,” the Empress says.

  I stand as tall as I can and grab for any courage I have. “I have no intention of speaking with the media. I showed them what I thought. Ivan didn’t even ask me before an- nouncing we were engaged. I would have appreciated if someone had at least asked me what I thought.”

  The Emperor leans towards the Empress and grasps her hand. “Insolence will not win you our kindness, Lady Alkaev. Unless matters change, you will marry Ivan. Your mother heartily agreed to the idea and since all of us, but you, see that this is the wisest decision, you don’t have a choice. I think you displayed quite well during the ball that you are not capable of forming rational thoughts.”

  “We expect you to face the media immediately,” the Empress says.

  Irrational anger sweeps through me.

  Alexa Mackintosh

  “Let her record something and have it ready in the morning. If she speaks now, who knows what she will say? She will worsen the delicate situation,” Ivan says.

  The Emperor nods. “I suppose we can handle the re- porters tonight, but I want to see a live recorded apology early tomorrow. Even if you don’t yet fully love Ivan, you will convince us in the recording or the price for your ac- tions will be far worse than you can imagine.”

  “Understood, Your Majesty,” I say.

  They turn to go, the Empress glaring at me.

  Ivan hesitates. “Lady Alkaev, from now on you are not to see Prince Orion except at meals.”


  “You are mine. I don’t want you near anyone that could disrupt this engagement. Orion cares for you, and I don’t want him tempted. He is an enemy, and you could become a tool to use against me.”

  I swallow. Perhaps Ivan isn’t such a fool.

  He leaves without waiting for me to protest.

  I squeal when the door shuts behind them. I can’t be- lieve I defied the Royals and my mother. I haven’t felt so strong in forever. I know my resistance did little, but it doesn’t matter. It is the first step to controlling my future. I still have a long way to go, but I will get out of my en- gagement.

  And I will see Dmitri again.

  { 17 }

  Chapter 17

  HE PHONE ON MY WALL BUZZES as I settle down with a book an hour or so after the Royals depar- ture. The remote lies on my bedside table. I’m not

  in the mood for a call, so I ignore it. Three minutes later the phone rings again.

  I press the voice button. “This is Miss Alkaev.”

  “It’s Princess Alkaev now, or at the least Lady Alkaev.” “Um…Who is this?”

  The line goes silent for a moment. “It’s me. Dmitri.” “I’m so sorry! You sound different over the phone.” I

  place my palm against my forehead. How could I not rec- ognize it was him?

  “I was calling to make sure you were alright. This en- gagement is quite…surprising.”

  “So, you didn’t know he was going to ask me either?

  The rest of your family looked unsurprised.”

  Alexa Mackintosh

  “Believe me. I didn�
�t know.” Something pops on his end of the line. “Could you put me up on the screen?”


  “Give me a minute.”

  Wordlessly, Georgianna comes from my closet where she was hanging up today’s dress and laying out tomor- row’s. She hands me a silk shawl and a brush. Throwing the shawl over my shoulders, I pull the edges down over the revealing V-neck cut of my nightgown. I brush my hair, and Georgianna pulls a tube of lipstick out of the pocket of her uniform. She snaps off the lid and rolls it up in record time.

  “Stand still!” She orders softly. She rolls it across my lips and motions for me to smack my lips. It’s gooey and slightly melted from being in her pocket.

  “Is someone else there?” Dmitri asks. “Georgianna,” I answer.

  “I’m leaving, Your Highness!” With a mischievous grin, she whispers “Good luck!” and hurries out the door.

  I must make my feelings too clear if even Georgianna knows I like Dmitri.

  Taking a deep breath, I press the yellow button on the remote. Dmitri’s face flickers into existence, the holo- graphic image clear. He’s in the same shirt as earlier this evening, but his waistcoat is nowhere to be seen. His cra- vat is loosened and his hair mussed up. Circles hang under his eyes, and he looks far more tired than at the ball.

  City of Deception

  “I’m sending my valet over.” He holds up a bottle of champagne and a glass. “I thought we might celebrate your engagement, or you can drink yourself into obliv- ion.”

  I laugh. “Thank you. Why don’t you come over, though?”

  He shrugs. “I didn’t think it would be good to be seen together alone in your room. Ivan is protective, and if a reporter happened to see me coming or going from your room, it could be problematic.”

  Someone knocks twice before opening the door. “Prince Orion sent me, Lady Alkaev.” The valet carries a tray with a bottle, glass, and silver box tied with white ribbon.

  I hold out my arms. “I’ll take the tray.”

  Dmitri’s voice echoes across the room. “Let Sean put the tray on your nightstand. You’re going to be Empress, so you must get used to servants.”

  The valet, or Sean, follows Dmitri’s direction.

  “I can cope with servants. I’ve been here for weeks.”

  I glance at the hologram in time to catch Dmitri rolling his eyes. So, what? At least I know how to dress myself.

  “Is there anything else I can get for you, Lady Alkaev?” Sean asks.

  “No. Thank you.” He bows and leaves.

  Wandering to the table, I pick up the box. “What’s this?”

  Alexa Mackintosh “Well, open it, and you’ll see.”

  I shake it, but it remains tantalizingly quiet.

  “I planned to give you this tonight before the engage- ment,” he says.

  Why do I need to know that? Why does it matter if he planned to give it to me before Ivan’s announcement?

  Tearing through the paper and ribbon, I open the box to find a key.

  I raise an eyebrow.

  “You’re looking at the key to your new kitchen. Well, it will be once you tell me how you want it.”

  “My kitchen?”

  He nods. “It’s yours to do with as you please. I’m cov- ering all the costs of renovation and have hired an assis- tant for you. I know you don’t want anyone helping you cook, so I pay your new assistant no matter how many times she helps you. That way, you don’t feel guilty whether she assists you or not.”

  I can cook whatever I want and not worry about using my family’s grocery allowance. I can try new recipes and study from the Royal chefs.

  I laugh. “Thank you!”

  I know he said not to be seen together, but I can’t help it. Bouncing out of the room, I hurry down the hall to Dmitri’s room. The guard doesn’t stop me.

  Dmitri sits in a chair, feet propped up on the edge of the bed. “Talia?”

  “Get up!” I squeal.

  City of Deception

  He eyes me quizzically, but sets his champagne beside the chair and rises to his feet.

  I envelop him in a hug. “Thank you! You have no idea how much this means.”

  He returns my hug, and I savor the moment. My ex- citement slowly transforms into a fluttering in the bottom of my belly.

  Neither of us releases the other. Placing my cheek against his shoulder, I try to calm my pounding heart. I’m surprised to feel his heart beating as hard through his shirt. He smells of champagne, cologne, and sweat.

  He releases me first. “You should go back to your room. You don’t want your champagne turning to room temper- ature, do you?” he teases.

  I glance down at the floor. It is the best way to keep my feelings hidden. “No, of course not. Thank you for the gifts.”

  I amble towards the door. “It’s been a long day, and I should go to bed. See you tomorrow.”

  “Night, princess.”

  I quirk an eyebrow.

  “I can’t call you Sweet Cakes now, can I? Besides, you look like a Royal in that robe.” He eyes me, not hiding his studying gaze.

  Blush rushes to my cheeks as I turn away and pull the silk robe tighter around me. “Goodnight, Dmitri.”


  Alexa Mackintosh

  The Next Morning:

  “Do you need anything else, my lady?”

  “No, you did a fantastic job as always, Georgianna.” I pull a curl back from my face. When Georgianna heard I would record an apology for last night’s behavior, she spent extra time preparing me this morning.

  “Do you want me to help you with the video?”

  I shake my head. “You don’t need to stay to see my many attempts at failure.”

  She laughs. “Hate cameras that much?”

  “I hate the people judging me on the other end.”

  “My mother always told me to imagine them naked. From experience, you might blush when you think that, so try to be discreet. When I came for my interview for working in the palace, my mother told me to imagine the interviewer in his underclothes. The problem was, he was quite handsome if I do say so, and I blushed the entire in- terview.”

  I burst out laughing. Georgianna is always refined and on task, but today she reminds me of a country girl with- out an accent, not a trained maid. I rather like the change, not that I disliked her before.

  “What has made you cheery?” I grab a handkerchief and dab at the corners of my eyes.

  “I don’t know. It seems like a good day to be happy.” “Did you have a good night last night?”

  City of Deception

  By the sheepish grin, I guess so.

  “I need to go, my lady. I suppose with your new en- gagement we will be busy. No more lounging in your room with your hair as thick as a bird’s nest,” she says. “I or- dered a new gown for you at the Empress’s request, and will bring it up for you to try on when it arrives.”

  “Thank you.”

  She turns to go but stops. “And, my lady? I know Ivan is…difficult, but beneath that is a pained boy. This entire family is in pain in their ways. I’ve been here long enough to witness several years of it. Be patient, please. I don’t want to see you publicly executed.”

  I have no reply. I don’t care what Ivan is as long as he never becomes my husband.

  After Georgianna leaves, I crack the door. Petrov’s shift began an hour ago, but his eyes are red.

  “Have I received any letters recently?” I ask.

  “No more, my lady. One will come soon, though. They know about the engagement.”

  “Who doesn’t know about the engagement by now?” I mutter as I shut the door.

  What do the leaders expect me to do now?

  Focusing my attention on the video, I pick up a pen and paper and write down a few sentences.

  I try the rest of the morning to record the apology the Emperor demanded, but I feel foolish in all the clips. Ei- ther my eyes are red or my hair sticking up, or I say the wrong words and have to start over

  Alexa Mackintosh

  I hate cameras pointed right at me. I know half the planet will see this video, so it must be right. I’m about ready to break the camera when someone knocks.

  “Can I come in?” Someone asks.

  “Yes,” I say. Why didn’t Petrov announce them?

  Nikki enters, fiery hair tied back under a ruffled hat and in the uniform of a servant. Something is hidden un- der her arm.

  “Why did the guard let you in?”

  “Zadie whispered some suggestions to him and started kissing him and…well, he lost track of time.”

  “You know Zadie?”

  “I brought you something,” she says, ignoring my question. She pulls a box from under her arm. “It will help with the video.”

  I stare at the plain, brown box. “Why do you keep find- ing me? You’ve shown me time travel and helped me un- derstand.”

  “I feel sorry for you. You’re caught up in the problems I helped create.”

  “What problems?”

  “I hear you’re engaged to Ivan.”

  “Yes,” I say noticing the way her hand sparkles and ap- pears almost translucent in the light. I take the box from her, purposely letting our fingers brush. She’s freezing and her skin…isn’t skin.

  I jump back, the box falling to the floor. Her eyes widen as she backs away.

  City of Deception

  Her skin, if I call it that, feels as though it’s filled with gel and lacks bones. Her fingers are so cold she must have frostbite.

  “I understand how this looks-” She begins, anxiously holding her hands out. They look like normal hands ex- cept for the sparkly sheen.