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City of Deception (The White City Series Book 1) Page 13

  “What are you?”

  She bites her lip. “I can’t quite explain because…be- cause…I don’t know.”

  “If you don’t start explaining, I will call for Petrov, and he will hear me,” I warn.

  “I’m…I’m a lot of odd things. Please don’t make me ex- plain now. If I do, it might change something, and some- one else might die.”

  “Stop talking in riddles!”

  She looks down at her feet. “I have to go.”

  I grab her wrist trying not to cringe at the strange feel of her flesh. “I demand answers.”

  Her lips press into a thin line. “I’ll give you answers, but not yet. I came to check on you and give you the gift. You may want to open the gift soon.”

  She pulls away and fidgets with the strange bracelet on her wrist. She’s always touching that bracelet before she disappears.

  A second later she vanishes.

  I should be shocked by her disappearance, but after meeting Nikki this many times, I’m hardly fazed. Since my first time jumping phenomena when I met Empress

  Alexa Mackintosh

  Xera, I’ve come to accept time travel has become a new part of my life.

  It’s no stranger than waking up this morning and re- membering I’m engaged to one of the most powerful men on the planet.

  Setting the box on the bed, I find a pair of scissors and cut the string binding it shut. I hesitate to open the lid despite somewhat trusting Nikki. She is a time traveler, and I’ve had quite a few shocks the past few days. What sort of gift does a time traveler give anyway?

  Removing the tissue paper, I pull out a film reel. It’s identical to the one in the camera I used for the recording.

  “Watch me” is scrawled in pen across the top.

  Out of curiosity, I walk to the camera and open the compartment where the reel goes. The old reel should still be in place, but it is gone. It’s now in my hands.

  The reel I had been using previously is the one Nikki gave me.

  I shake my head. Time traveling is too confusing for me. How did she even get the reel? I’ve been in the room the entire time.

  I snap the reel into place and hit the play button. It’s black for a moment before my face appears on the screen. I’m wearing a different dress, but my hair and makeup are the same as now. I watch myself launch into an apol- ogy for last night’s behavior, and though I stumble once

  or twice, the video is perfect.

  City of Deception

  But I didn’t make the video. This might be me, but I don’t remember ever saying the words I’m listening to.

  But the girl in the video is undeniably me. How? Nikki went into the future, got my finished recording, and brought it back?

  The door opens.

  I shut off the machine and pull out the reel before fac- ing the intruder.

  Zadie eyes the camera. “I see you’re obeying Emperor Sergio.”

  “Yes, I finished the video a few minutes ago,” I lie. “You gave the reporters a good story last night. It’s not

  fair Ivan didn’t propose to you before he announced it to the world, but at least you’ll be staying in the palace now. You’re a good friend, and I didn’t want to see you return to your village. I hear it is a poor place to live.”

  “It is my home.”

  “Of course, I didn’t mean you disrespect. The Emperor seemed amazed by your anger last night, but I understand why you would be upset. I would be too if someone sprung an engagement on me like that. I’m sure they will forget the incident when you marry Ivan.”

  “I have no plan of marrying Ivan.”

  “You like Dmitri, but you can help this planet far more by marrying Ivan. You can help the Thirds then.”

  “What do you care about the Thirds?”

  She shifts uncomfortably. “Though raised as a First, my planet, unlike this one, respects the old traditions. My

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  parents wanted me to embrace all cultures. I wish the Mersiovskys respected them here.”

  I remember well the Mersiovskys’ movement to close all old temples and end all celebrations related to old hol- idays. They put in place a new God, and that was the only thing all the classes and my family accepted. They set up new holidays, but my family hasn’t celebrated those since father died. Father accepted the Mersiovskys’ ideas de- spite being a rebel, but my mother didn’t. I think he cele- brated the new holidays because as a child I enjoyed the rare day or two a year when we would have a large meal and exchange simple gifts. They didn’t technically outlaw the traditions, but they are frowned upon.

  “You should visit my planet. Maybe on your honey- moon? We have gorgeous beaches, and it is always warm,” she says.

  Traditions! That’s it!

  I clasp her hands. “I know what to do. There’s one tra- dition they didn’t stifle.”

  I know exactly how to keep Dmitri near and irk Ivan.

  { 18 }

  Chapter 18


  peror asks, barging through my door.

  I didn’t expect him to come to my room

  personally, nor did I expect him to get here so soon. Half an hour ago, I gave a recorded message to Zadie. After coaching me on what to say and waiting for me to record the rest of the video, she passed it on to the most prestig- ious reporter on the planet by using her Royal connec- tions. It was easy to add another few minutes onto the video Nikki already created.

  I don’t cower despite his clutched fists and flushed cheeks. “I want to renew the old tradition. It has been car- ried out for every Royal bride for a thousand years. I do not plan to halt that tradition. I knew D- Prince Orion.”

  Another man enters the room. I recognize him as Gen- eral Hardcastle. “Your Majesty, let me take care of this situation-”

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  “You should have taken care of it before that video aired! How could you not screen it before releasing it?” the Emperor shouts.

  Hardcastle bows his head. “Sir, we didn’t foresee Prin- cess Zadie giving the video out. I apologize.”

  Seemingly satisfied, the Emperor turns his attention back to me. “You, young lady, will pay for your careless act and you won’t repeat your mistake. I will allow you your tradition, but only because the media will question if we don’t. After all, this isn’t outlawed. However, make one mistake while Orion is near you, and you will never see him again.”

  I grin smugly. “I won’t make another mistake.”

  He chuckles curtly. “You will make a mistake, and when you do, I will see you suffer then. Liam, take care of the details.”

  Hardcastle nods, and the Emperor leaves.

  Hardcastle motions to the table in the corner. “Might we sit? The Emperor wishes we negotiate the terms of re- instating this tradition.”

  We sit across from each other, and he places an elec- tronic device on the table.

  “This tradition will be reinstated for the period you are engaged. During that time, all classes can celebrate the tradition, but after that, you will publicly outlaw it.”

  “Outlaw it? But it’s a harmless tradition!”

  City of Deception

  The tradition is quite simple. A bride, no matter her class, can choose a Perar, or a “practice husband.” A prac- tice husband is usually a man, though occasionally a woman, who is familiar with the groom. The practice hus- band schools the bride about what the groom likes, hates, and eases fear before the wedding. He is supposed to be the person available to give male advice when the bride cannot talk to the groom, such as if the bride and groom argue.

  The problem with the tradition is that I chose Dmitri to be my practice husband, and said as much on the video sent out to all the planet. So now Dmitri will be allowed near me alone. It also infuriates the rest of the Mer- siovskys, something that gives me utter joy.

  “That is the Mersiovskys requirement. Also, you are required to spend as many hours with Prince Ivan as y
ou spend with Prince Orion,” Hardcastle says.

  Has the Emperor already suspected my feelings for Dmitri?

  Panic rises in my chest.

  “Do you agree to the stipulation?” Hardcastle asks. “Yes,” I answer reluctantly.

  He pushes the electronic device towards me. “Sign on the line, please. This ensures all will abide by the guide- lines.”

  I sign after a quick glance at the contract restating all Hardcastle said.

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  When I finish, Hardcastle places his hand on mine. “You don’t know me well, but believe me when I say I have your best interests at heart. Do not anger the Mersiovskys again. If I had not protected you this time from the Em- perors wrath, then you would be on your way back to your village.”

  “You fought for me?” I ask skeptically.

  He nods. “The Emperor has quite a temper when things do not go as planned. I thought you might be al- lowed one error while here, but please don’t make an- other.”

  Standing, he heads for the door. “I will watch out for you, but be cautious. You should stay in the favor of the Mersiovskys.”

  Dmitri enters. “I heard both of you wished to see me. I assume because of the video.”

  Almost every time Dmitri has been near me, he keeps his hand in front. He is the only one to show me such re- spect. However, today, he firmly clasps his hands behind his back.

  Is he mad at me?

  What if I’m completely wrong and he feels nothing for me? At least if that’s true, I can say I chose him because I met him in my village and trusted him.

  “Lady Alkaev chose you for the practice husband tra- dition,” Hardcastle says.

  He glances at me. “What?”

  City of Deception

  “You will spend one day a week with Lady Alkaev. This situation must be handled delicately. The media mustn’t support the renewal of the tradition, and Prince Ivan is quite against this arrangement. Prince Ivan wants to be with the two of you when you meet.” Hardcastle contin- ues.

  “No,” I say. “The point is to have Dmitri advise me about Ivan. That will be impossible if Ivan is present as well.”

  “Prince Ivan is reasonable. I’m sure he will agree soon.

  Prince Orion, do you agree to Lady Alkaev’s request?” “Yes, but I wish to speak to Natalia alone. General, it is

  time for you to leave,” Dmitri says, his eyes flinty.

  General Hardcastle frowns but silently gathers up the electronic device and leaves. When he is out the door, Dmitri immediately speaks.

  “I can’t be your practice husband.”

  “Why not? You know Ivan and me. You are the one for the position.”

  “My brother asked me not to see you.”

  I roll my eyes. “So? Don’t listen to him.”

  He sighs. “It’s not that simple. It is in our best interests not to aggravate Ivan further.”

  “But I want you in this position. I need someone to talk to. Just stand up to Ivan.” Ivan is the rebel symbol for peace. What could he possibly do over this?

  His nostrils flare. “I said no.”

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  I place a hand on his elbow, trying for light-hearted and playful. “And I said yes, and I’m the bride-to-be. It’s everyone’s job to keep me from stressing about my up- coming wedding.”

  He crosses his arms, but his shoulders relax, his frus- trations slipping. “Alright, but we must be careful.”

  “It’s a tradition!”

  “Nothing is ever as it seems, Natalia. It isn’t wise to be on the wrong side of my family’s anger, and yet you have done everything they asked you not to.” Taking my hand, he presses his lips against my knuckles. “I’m not sure if I should be pleased or angered by your stubbornness. Ei- ther way, I must go. I have a meeting I’m already late for with an ambassador from Rhiannon.”

  He turns to leave, but adds “Oh, and there’s someone to see you in the dining room for lunch.”

  Before I can ask who, he’s out the door.

  Curious, I glance at my father’s pocket watch hanging on a chain around my neck. Already the morning is passed, and lunch will be served in ten minutes.

  I suppose I should meet my mystery guest.


  She throws her arms around my neck as soon as she spots me. “We have so much to catch up on!”

  Automatically I return her hug, numb and shocked.

  Angelica is here. Why? How?

  I know this means trouble.

  City of Deception

  I pull away first. “When did you arrive?”

  “This morning, but I was told you were busy until lunch. I was so surprised to receive an invitation! Thank you for choosing me to design your wedding gown. I’ve already prepared a few sketches and brought fabric swatches.”

  “What invitation?” I question.

  “The one from Prince Ivan. He wrote saying his brother, Orion, told him about me. He thought you might appreciate having someone you were friends with design your gown. Not to mention it will do wonders for my ca- reer and mother’s shop. Everyone will want our gowns now.”

  “Ivan sent for you?” There’s clear disbelief in my voice. She nods. “Congratulations on the engagement.” “Yes, it was surprising,” I answer absentmindedly. I

  take her arm and lead her towards the door. The Royals will be coming into the hall for lunch any minute, and I need to speak with her alone.

  Catching the attention of a passing maid, I say “Tell the cook to send my lunch as well as another portion up to my room.”

  “Yes, my lady,” the servant answers before bobbing off to her next chore.

  We walk to my room as Angelica speaks in excited whispers. She’s brazen enough to whisper things about the leaders and news of successful rebel dealings.

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  But I don’t care. I devise the quickest way to get her out of the palace. She’ll hurt someone, and though that’s our mission, I can’t and won’t let her do that.

  Universes. What’s happened to me since I met Dmitri?

  The truth, though I’d rather not face it, is that he has made me rethink everything I know about the Royals.

  When we are half way to my room, I ask, “Why are you really here?”

  She sniffs. “Can I not come see my best friend?” She leans towards my ear. “I don’t think you will kill Orion. You know him too well. I’m here to ensure all goes as planned.”

  I open my mouth to tell her not to go near Dmitri, but we round the corner and my door comes into sight. An- gelica halts mid stride.

  “Petrov?” she sputters.

  I’ve never seen her look so terrified in all her life. Her usual smooth composure is gone, and in its place, is a com- bination of fear and excitement.

  Petrov looks our way and bows. “Lady Alkaev, and who is this pretty lady?”

  “You know who!” Angelica shouts. Petrov steps back. “Well, now I do.”

  She walks up to him and slaps him, leaving a growing red mark across his cheek. “You left me, you bastard! You left me for a position! You told me you would take me with you or come back for me.”

  Why hadn’t I remembered Petrov would be on duty?

  City of Deception

  “It was a good summer, nothing more,” Petrov says. “Nothing more? You all but promised to marry me!” “Angelica, Petrov, take this inside. We don’t want this

  affecting our positions now, do we?” I say.

  I place a hand on each of their shoulders and push them into my room, pulling the door shut behind them. I stay in the hall, hoping they don’t start a full-out fight at this point.

  Glancing around the hall, I’m glad to see only a maid within earshot.

  The yelling inside my room continues for ten minutes, escalating every two minutes or so. At one point, I hear something shatter, and hope the Royals won’t be angry over whatever Angelica or Petrov destroyed.

  My best friend has been in the city for
twenty minutes, and already I dread her presence.

  Perhaps the White City has changed me already. I don’t need Angelica to fix my problems anymore. I can do that myself.


  Angelica’s room is two floors below mine, and outside the Royal guest courters, so she comes to my room to get ready for dinner that evening. We’re supposed to go to the parlor for an hour before dinner for drinks and appe- tizers. Ever since the engagement, ambassadors and friends of the Mersiovskys have flooded in.

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  She’s gorgeous as always in one of my dresses. I asked Georgianna to help her resew the seams. She’s two sizes smaller in the hips.

  As we make our way to the dining room after we finish getting ready, Angelica loops her arm through mine as we make our way to the parlor. “I think you should talk to Prince Ivan while I win over Prince Dmitri.”

  “Win him over?”

  “Talk with him. Agree with him. Borderline on flirty.” “I don't think that’s wise.”

  We enter the room, and she lets go of my arm. Zadie sits on the couch playing cards with other young ladies, and Dmitri stands amid several young men. Two young women eye the cluster of young men from across the room.

  Dmitri looks our way and leaves his friends.

  He folds his hands in front, a peculiar thing. Why not hold them behind him? I am lesser than him in position.

  Anxiety and excitement fill my stomach. I can hope he asks me to join him and his friends. Or maybe even whisk me off to a far corner of the room where we can be alone.

  Angelica dances on the tips of her toes. “Would you join me for a dance, Prince Dmitri?”

  And just like that, she takes away the last piece of joy I’ve found in the White City.